Family Dinners and Emotion Regulation (Part 2)
This feature by Alexander Chapman, PhD, R.Psych is Part 2 of 2 in a series about emotion regulation. In this part, Alex shares how validation and radical acceptance play a role in his nightly family dinner experience.
Both Trainer and Guide: The Role of Experiential Learning in DBT Skills Training (Part 2)
This feature by Donald Nathanson, LCSW-R is Part 2 of 2 in a series about experiential learning in DBT Skills training. In the first part here, Donald began his story and connects it with knowledge and experience as well as the experience of describing. In this section, he continues with his insight on how to guide toward experience.
Both Trainer and Guide: The Role of Experiential Learning in DBT Skills Training (Part 1)
This feature by Donald Nathanson, LCSW-R is Part 1 of 2 in a series about experiential learning in DBT Skills training. In this first part, Donald begins his story and connects it with knowledge and experience as well as the experience of describing.
Presence and Vulnerability: Team in a Virtual World (Part 2)
This feature by Ronda Oswalt Reitz, PhD is Part 2 of 2 in a series about communication tips to make a DBT consultation team effective in a virtual world. In the first part (read here), Ronda begins by looking at communication and coping ahead. Here in part 2, we examine the impact of the pandemic as it relates to presence and vulnerability and what to watch for to maintain the health of the therapists in the team.
Presence and Vulnerability: Team in a Virtual World (Part 1)
This feature by Ronda Oswalt Reitz, PhD is Part 1 of 2 in a series about communication tips to make a DBT consultation team effective in a virtual world. In this first part, Ronda begins by looking at communication and coping ahead.