Prepare for DBT Certification

Behavioral Tech Institute (BTECH) is ready to assist you in preparing for DBT certification through the DBT Linehan Board of Certification.

To read more about the DBT certification process, please visit the website for the DBT certification organization, the DBT-Linehan Board of Certification, (DBT-LBC).

Note: Obtaining training or consultation from Behavioral Tech Institute Institute or any other training organization does not assure successful achievement of certification by the DBT-Linehan Board of Certification. DBT-LBC is a 501(c)(6) non-profit that is a separate organization from Behavioral Tech Institute.

Preparing for Clinician Certification ​

DBT-LBC requires people seeking Clinician Certification to satisfy requirements in the following areas: ​

Behavioral Tech Institute - The World's Foremost Linehan-trained DBT Professionals
DBT-Related Education

DBT-LBC requires 40 didactic training hours specific to DBT

BTECH offers comprehensive trainings, which vary in length, that will allow you to work toward the minimum of 40 didactic training hours specific to DBT. Learn more about the length of our trainings in our Training Catalog.

Clinical Experience in DBT

DBT-LBC requires work sample review

All Behavioral Tech Institute workshops, trainings, and online courses specific to DBT can assist with improving clinical skills. Also, with our large network of Trainers & Consultants, we can easily match you with an expert who can best fulfill your consultation needs and offer individualized feedback. A consultant can work with you to ensure that you are applying DBT principles, strategies, procedures, and protocols to fidelity. Contact us to arrange consultation services from one of our DBT experts.

DBT Team Experience

DBT-LBC requires a total of 12 months of participation in one or more DBT Consultation Teams and current participation on a DBT Team

BTECH’s comprehensive trainings all include sessions on team functioning. In addition, our advanced trainings routinely include content on improving the effectiveness of DBT Consultation Teams, and advanced workshops can be developed to address these needs upon request. Our consultation services can be provided to individual teams to work on team effectiveness and cohesion.

DBT Skills: Knowledge and Experience

DBT-LBC requires knowledge and experience of the DBT Skills

Our comprehensive courses include assignments that give you experience with DBT skills training and homework assignments. In addition, you can supplement your knowledge of DBT skills with our 20-hour online skills training course. In addition, you can supplement your knowledge of DBT skills with one of our DBT Skills Training Modularized Offerings. Read more about them here.

Written Exam

DBT-LBC requires completion of a written exam

BTECH can help you develop the knowledge you need to competently apply the treatment. Our comprehensive trainings include a knowledge exam based on the 1993 treatment manual that will test your understanding of the treatment.

Work Product Demonstration

DBT-LBC requires three consecutive videos demonstrating adherence to DBT

Consultation can be arranged to assist with the selection and review of live work samples from individual therapy sessions or DBT skills training groups. Our Trainers & Consultants will provide precise and effective feedback to help you improve fidelity to the treatment.

Mindfulness Experience

DBT-LBC requires a mindfulness retreat and/or at least one formal training in mindfulness

Consider attending a mindfulness retreat. Retreats consist of four, daily blocks of sitting in mindfulness and private interviews with the retreat teacher. One source to find retreats is  to search for upcoming retreats.

Preparing for Program Certification

Program Certification from DBT-LBC requires that the program’s team leader first be certified as an Individual DBT Therapist (see previous section). Programs can use the free self-assessment tool to assess their readiness for certification: DBT-LBC Program Certification Self-Assessment.

All BTECH comprehensive trainings address the necessary functions and modes of comprehensive DBT programs. Dialectical Behavior Therapy Intensive Training includes structured program development tasks and consultation about program implementation.

BTECH is also able to assess and consult you on your program’s readiness and help you work on any identified areas needing attention.