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DBT for the Therapist: The Life-Changing Benefits of Practicing What We Teach

In this feature, Gwen Abney Cunningham, LMSW, explores the impact of DBT for the therapist, sharing how the application of DBT assumptions and skills in her own life have benefited both her personal and professional growth.

2024 Recap: A Year of Change and Growth at BTECH

2024 was a GREAT year for growth at BTECH, and we want to share some of the accomplishments and new initiatives with all of you.

Behavioral Tech Trainer, Lucene Wisniewski, Ph.D., receives Fulbright Specialist Award

Congratulations to CEBT’s founder and Chief Clinical Officer Lucene Wisniewski, PhD., on receiving a Fullbright Specialist Program Award! Selected by the U.S...

Unlocking the Power of Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Announcing Self-Paced Online Foundational Training!

In today's fast-paced world, mental health professionals are more crucial than ever. As practitioners seek to expand their toolkit and enhance their...

Why DBT? (Part 1)

A couple years ago, we asked the DBT community “Why DBT?” to find out why DBT is important. We received responses from practitioners, clients, friends and family, researchers, and students, and we are excited to share part 1 of some of those responses with you.  

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