Additional Information

Additional FAQ Info

DBT Consultation

I’m interested in DBT Consultation. How can I be matched with a DBT expert?


Thank you for your interest in consultation.

The first step in the process of being connected with one of our DBT experts is to complete a short form. Find the form and more information about our Educational Consultation Services here.


If you are interested in any of the following:

  • DBT was recommended for my family member.
  • Where can I find a DBT trained therapist?
  • I am looking for a DBT SKILLS Group. Does Behavioral Tech Institute provide referrals?
  • I am looking for a treatment facility for my loved one. Can Behavioral Tech Institute provide assistance?
  • I am a clinician, can you refer me to a DBT therapist in my area for one of my clients?

We are a training organization and not able to provide referrals, but we do have a listing of clinicians on BTECH-Trained Teams who have undergone a comprehensive training from BTECH or one of our Affiliates and requested to be listed on our site here.

The DBT Linehan Board of Certification’s site also has a DBT-LBC directory.