DBT for Substance Use Disorders (Part 2)
This feature by Nick Salsman, PhD, ABPP is Part 2 of 2 in a series about DBT for substance use disorders. In the first part, Nick described how DBT-SUD utilizes the approach of dialectical abstinence in the assessment and treatment of SUDs and how DBT-SUD utilizes the...

DBT for Substance Use Disorders (Part 1)
This feature by Nick Salsman, PhD, ABPP is Part 1 of 2 in a series about DBT for substance use disorders. In this first part, Nick describes how DBT-SUD utilizes the approach of dialectical abstinence in the assessment and treatment of SUDs and how DBT-SUD utilizes the hierarchy of targets in Pretreatment and Stage 1.

Why fold treatment for PTSD into DBT? (Part 2)
This feature by Emily Cooney, PhD is Part 2 of 2 in a series about the DBT Prolonged Exposure protocol. In the first part, Emily began with explaining DBT PE as an evidence-based approach to treating suicidal and self-injuring individuals with BPD who have PTSD. She addressed what DBT PE involves and the roles of changing behavioural avoidance, changing cognitive avoidance, and changing beliefs. In part 2, she continues with more on changing beliefs, understanding what the data tell us, and how she motivates clients to do this treatment.

Why fold treatment for PTSD into DBT? (Part 1)
This feature by Emily Cooney, PhD is Part 1 of 2 in a series about the DBT Prolonged Exposure protocol. In this first part, Emily begins with explaining DBT PE as an evidence-based approach to treating suicidal and self-injuring individuals with BPD who have PTSD. She addresses what DBT PE involves and the roles of changing behavioural avoidance, changing cognitive avoidance, and changing beliefs.

Client Case Study: Youth Eastside Services
Today, we are featuring a Q&A with one of our clients, Youth Eastside Services (YES), to shed light on YES’ journey with DBT and Behavioral Tech Institute, as well as the value DBT has brought to their program. Their responses may be helpful to those who are considering DBT.