General DBT

Why DBT? (Part 1)

Why DBT? (Part 1)

A couple years ago, we asked the DBT community “Why DBT?” to find out why DBT is important. We received responses from practitioners, clients, friends and family, researchers, and students, and we are excited to share part 1 of some of those responses with you.  

DBT and Anger (Part 2)

DBT and Anger (Part 2)

This feature by Lorne Korman, PhD, R.Psych. is Part 2 of 2 in a series about DBT and Anger. Here in part two, he talks about the use of DBT in directly targeting anger problems in treatment.

DBT and Anger (Part 1)

DBT and Anger (Part 1)

This feature by Lorne Korman, PhD, R.Psych. is Part 1 of 2 in a series about DBT and Anger. In this first part, Lorne addresses how DBT offers a practical and theoretical framework for treating people with anger problems and those who have multiple comorbidities.

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