
The Value of Multimedia in DBT Phone Coaching (Part 2)

The Value of Multimedia in DBT Phone Coaching (Part 2)

This feature by Elizabeth Burns, M.A., LPC is Part 2 of 2 in a series about use of multimedia in DBT phone coaching. Through this series, Elizabeth explores how she uses supplemental resources in her work with clients when delivering DBT, sharing a variety of specific resources from her files. In the first part, Elizabeth began by sharing how she has curated multimedia content in service of delivering DBT and giving several examples of how she uses it. In part two, she will discuss the value of reciprocal communication of multimedia content, encouraging clients to curate their own resources on their phones and making a YouTube channel for their practice. She will also touch briefly on ethics and online content.

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The Value of Multimedia in DBT Phone Coaching (Part 1)

The Value of Multimedia in DBT Phone Coaching (Part 1)

This feature by Elizabeth Burns, M.A., LPC is Part 1 of 2 in a series about use of multimedia in DBT phone coaching. Through this series, Elizabeth explores how she uses supplemental resources in her work with clients when delivering DBT, sharing a variety of specific resources from her files. In this first part, Elizabeth begins by giving examples how she uses multimedia with different client scenarios.

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