Description During this seminar, primary targets unique to inpatient settings will be presented and explored. Learning Objective: As a result of this...
Chats with Trainers: Engaging Line Staff in DBT
Description This seminar will explore different strategies to use in inpatient DBT programs to engage and train staff in DBT. We will further explore ways...
Chats with Trainers: Effectively Navigating Challenges in DBT Phone Coaching
Description Phone coaching is one of the primary modes of DBT, involving the therapist's availability to provide clients with skills coaching between...
Chats with Trainers: Compatibility of Zen and Behavior Therapy
Description DBT was the first psychological Treatment to incorporate Zen philosophy into the treatment. We will discuss how Behavior therapy is enhanced by...
Chats with Trainers: Cultivating your Zen Garden: Personal Practice Guidelines
Description The core mindfulness and reality acceptance skills have their origins in the practice of Zen Meditation. Having your own Zen Practice can give you...
Chats with Trainers: Effectively Navigating Challenges in DBT Phone Coaching
Description Phone coaching is one of the primary modes of DBT, involving the therapist's availability to provide clients with skills coaching between...