Description "The world is perfect as it is" can be very difficult for our clients, and sometimes for us, to understand and accept. Radical Acceptance isa...
Chats with Trainers: Incorporating Informal Exposure into Stage 1 DBT
This event has sold out! Please join the waiting list. [maxbutton id="1"] Description While learning to experience emotions without escaping is a key...
Chats with Trainers: Dialectical Dilemmas & DBT Case Formulation, Part 2
Description This is a follow up to the previous discussion that occurred on Friday, April 24. In that discussion we set the stage for conceptualizations of...
Individuare e Concordare con il Paziente Obiettivi e Target
Questo evento è esaurito! Please note: This will only be offered in Italian. Nota: questo sarà offerto solo in italiano. L’accordo tra paziente e terapeuta è...
Chats with Trainers: Getting the Most out of the DBT Commitment Strategies
This event has sold out! Please join the waiting list. [maxbutton id="1"] Description DBT is about selling new behaviors. This brief seminar will review and...
Chats with Trainers: Everything is as it Should Be: Radical Acceptance
This event has sold out! Please join the waiting list. [maxbutton id="1"] Description "The world is perfect as it is" can be very difficult for our clients,...